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Nephew comes for a visit part 2

Post #1

Nephew comes for a visit part 2Terry and I talked about last night and felt that things went good for the first step. We decided that we needed to see his endurance tonight. Brian and I worked all day and he never mentioned what he had done last night so I told him that we hoped that we did not offend him with what had happened. He said no that he had really enjoyed last night that it was probably that most fun he had had in a long time. I thought wait until you see what is in store for you tonight.We went through the same process at the end of the day, each of us taking a shower and having dinner. As we were enjoying our night air on the balcony again, I asked who is up for a game of poker. I should note that Terry is one of the best card players that I know of. We were drinking and as the game went on Terry was winning a lot per our plan. She was acting as if she were getting drunk, though she had switched to just the mixers and no alcohol. She then started playing to loss and she did this well. Finally, she was out of money and did not want to drop out of the game. I said the rules are out of money out of the game. She pretending to be drunk was begging us to let her slide one time. Brian said, "Come on let her slide one time." We did and she won. I told him see what happens and you let her stay in free of charge. Well after a few more hands, she was in the same position and Brain said she could stay in but that she had to put up some type of collateral. She looked at me and said for me to help her out and I told her she had to pay up. She then reached down and took off her pants. She was now sitting there in a tube top and panties. We let her stay in for the next round. I raised the pot knowing she would have to ante up some more and that she did. She stayed close to the table so that we could not see her and she was moving around until she held up her hands and said there and put her panties in the pot. Brian was no dummy and raised the pot again. She reached over and hit him saying that it wasn't fair. I called his raise, we both looked at her, and she just sat there, I told her she needed to make up her mind. We both knew what she was going to do, but she was playing as if she did not want to do any thing. Finally she said fine, I know I am going to win any way, with that pulled her top over her head, and put it in the pot.I announced last card and dealt it out. Terry quickly passed and Brian being a man raised, I then raised again. Terry sat there and said she did not want to drop out but was out of clothes. I told her to put up or drop out, but that she was getting her clothes back unless she won and could not go and put something else on. She sat there and said, "How about I will serve both of you drinks if I loss dressed the way I am for the rest of the evening." We both said we would let that cover what was on the table now. She sat there smiling until Brian said, "I will call your raise and raise you again." Terry said that was not fair. I knew what her next offer was going to be so I simple called. She sat there starring at me and then at Brain and said, "Fine let me stay in and if I loss I'll do a lap dance for who ever wins."I told Brian I would have to think about that offer first and for him go and get, us a couple of beers just in case one of us would win. While he was gone Terry and I checked and made sure that Brian would win and were done just as he came back in (I should note that I was the going to win). I told them that it was okay but that she would have to do a lap dance for both of us, and that we were going to strip first too. She sat there and finally said okay. I said time for the show down and flipped my cards over, pair of aces. Beat that, and Terry flipped hers over and smiled and said I did she had three eights. Brian then leaned back, smiled, and said well what a fine mess you are in now and flipped his cards over three nines. Terry let her face go blank and I said I would start the music and seeing as how I was low man I get first dance. Terry said she needed another drink while I was getting the music and stood up in all of her naked glory and went in and got all of us another round. Hers was a straight shot this time. While she was doing her dance for me, she told me she knew that she needed that drink for what was to come. I sat there at she started to slide right up against me and had me hard as a rock. She then slowly lowered herself onto me and we proceeded to finish out the rest of my song with her riding me. Then my time was up, she stood up and went over to Brian and asked him if he was ready.The music started and she went right after him rubbing her tits in his face and sliding his dick between her legs. She looked over at me and smiled as she raised up a little and slowly lowered herself onto him and told him to sit still. She then very slowly would move around for several minutes even after the song was over then she started up fast and furious. His eyes rolled back and I thought he had passed out, but I was wrong as he started to hump back into her. She then let out a moan and knew that she was enjoying it now. He suddenly stopped and help her tight then after she got up he quickly ran into the house. She came over to me, said, "More," and then sat back down onto me and began to rock back and forth and tell me what had happened. She said that as soon as she got him into her that he shot off so she worked him back up and got him to shoot off again. Except this time, it was when he was ready. We stayed on the balcony the rest of the night making love and then the next morning Brian walks out still naked and crawls right over to Terry which shocked both of us and tries to get between her legs. She lets him in and he starts up and last for about ten minutes. We knew that our job had been completed, except what we were going to do now. He was going to be here for two more weeks, which is another story entirely.To be continued?
04-15-2021, at 09:41 AM

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